Going Home to Carolina

Going Home To Carolina-Cd Front Cover

This is a collection of songs that is very near and dear to my heart. I don't know if I could pick a favorite if I tried, but "Going Home To Carolina" will always be a special song to me.

Except for two short visits, I spent the first three months of 2002 alone. My family and I were in the process of moving from Washington State to North Carolina to be closer to a group of saints that God had put us together with. My wife and children went on ahead of me, and with the help of our family in the Lord, they set up house while I stayed behind to "tie up the loose ends". This song tells of the feelings I had while alone one night in our empty house, waiting for the day when I too would be "Going Home to Carolina".

From the first song, "My Redeemer"; an up tempo, toe-tapping song sure to clear out the cobwebs of the heart and mind, to "You Know This Of Me"; a song from the Lord; gentle, loving, and straight to the heart, this cd is full of the love and the feelings of God. I know you will enjoy it.


These songs are all available, either on cd, or mp3 downloads, at CD Baby.

Also, look for me on Apple iTunes, Spotify, or Amazon Music.


CD Reviews

Going Home to Carolina
"This one immediately became one of my all time favorite albums. I've lost count of how many times I've listened to it over and over again. It's a blessing every time. It is songs that will feed your soul with the goodness of God."

You Know This of Me
"I love all of Darren's songs, but this is one of my favorites."

Going Home to Carolina
"I had only met Darren a couple of times before he moved to North Carolina. When I heard this song it touched my heart so deeply. Just to think a man would fall in love with Jesus and the people he met here and move his family across the country, it was more than my heart could take in. I love all of his songs but this is one of my favorites and it holds a special place in my heart because I know he obeyed the voice of God."

Going Home to Carolina
"You can get lost in the feelings of this CD. I give it a 5 Star +"

Music for the Heart!
"This cd is great for your heart and soul! The words in the songs on this cd reach into the depths of your heart and touch you when nothing else can even come close."

Music for the Heart!
"The song, 'When it comes to Spirit' really touches me. It talks about the simplicity of life in the Spirit. I am thankful that I got this CD. This music is anointed by the Lord."

Soul Stirring!
"This is one of my favorite gospel CDs. I can listen to every song on this CD and never get tired of it. The music alone is wonderful, but I think the real beauty of these songs lies in the lyrics. Positively inspirational! Thank you Jesus!"

The BEST music ever!
"The music on this CD will be good for your soul. I have never heard a CD where the #12 song was as good as the first four songs on the CD. I cannot pick favorites because they are all such good songs."



Heart of Gold

Heart of Gold

Sometimes nothing else is able to touch a person's heart like music. To me, "Heart of Gold" is a collection of songs that can reach down to the depths of your heart and touch you like no other music can. Whether a song from the Lord or a song from my own heart, these songs come by the sweet Spirit of God. It is the same Spirit that Jesus suffered and died for, and it is available to everyone who asks of Him. If you seek Him, you will find Him, and when you find Him, He will fill you (baptize you) with that Spirit. It will speak words of life through you; they are words of eternal life, and it will lead you home to the Father. You can read more about that here: You Must be Born Again, The Comforter's Testimony and The New Birth. Jesus cares, and if you will incline your heart to Him and are willing to do whatever it takes to please Him, you too will find your heart of gold. I hope and pray that these songs will touch and bless you as they have blessed the hearts of many already.


These songs are all available, either on cd, or mp3 downloads, at CD Baby.

Also, look for me on Apple iTunes, Spotify, or Amazon Music.